Light One Hundred

Up to 100 valuable documents guarded in Santa Sede they are going away to exhibit for the first time in public. The sample will be abrir in the Capitolinos Museums of Rome. The exhibition will be open from February to September of 2012. Between documents, they emphasize the acts of the process to Galileo Galilei and data on the married cause of Enrique VIII of England. The Vatican discovers its secrets. At least, some. Up to 100 valuable documents guarded in Santa Sede, that go from century VIII to century XX, they are going away to exhibit for the first time in public in the exhibition ' Lux in arcane.

The Secret File the Vatican descubre'. The sample will be abrir in the Capitolinos Museums of Rome in February of the next year. ' Lux in arcana' (light on the mystery) Secretary of State was presented/displayed east Tuesday by the cardinal, Tarcisio Bertone; the mayor Rome, Gianni Alemanno, and prcto of the Secret File, the bishop Pagan Sergio, on the occasion of the 400 anniversary of the foundation of that file on the part of the Pope Pablo V in 1612. Between documents, they emphasize acts of the process to Galileo Galilei (1616-1633), that contains all the papers of that judgment gathered by the Congregation of Santo Oficio; as well as the letter of the members of the English Parliament to Merciful Pope VII on the married cause of Enrique VIII (1530). One is a parchment signed by 83 parliamentarians, between lores and members of the House of Commons, in which asks to him that the it more soon annuls possible marriage with Catherine de Aragon. Another one of the documents that will be exhibited is the Dictatus papae of Gregorio VII (1073-1085), 27 proposals dictated by that Pope on the supremacy of the Pontiffs. It also emphasizes a letter done with crust of birch sent by the Pierre Pilsemont, j of the tribe of American Indians of Ojibwe, also known like Chippewa, to Pope Leon XIII, in which it calls &quot to him; Great teacher of the plegarias, who makes the functions of Jess" and he is thankful to him to have sent to his tribe plegarias.

The Axle

Germany continued its scaling, with attacks and important conquests in the Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium, the forces anglian-Frenchmen did not obtain to contain the advances of the nazista armed. To contain the German attack that came for the north of France the allied forces they had been installed in the border Franc-Belgian, what they had not gotten the waited result, and the Germans had entered in the one in France without touching in the Maginot line. The advance of Germany, the English had been obliged to leave quickly. In 10 of June 1940, Mussolini enters in the war and makes with the Frenchmen fortifies the Italian border, disabling the protection of the country, that happened in day 14 of June with taking of Paris for the Germans. However, in day 22, France announces its surrender. England would be the next one to be conquered, and for such fact, Hitler moved its artillery weighed for the neighborhoods of the port of Is silent, of where the bombings the English coasts had started. In 11 of August, a great aerial attack caused damages the English cities and defenses.

Day 7 of the huge following month an offensive one was organized against London, the attacks had caused in great civil losses. With the support of the people and the bravery of the aviators of the RAF (Real Air Force) they had contained the domain of the canal, making with that the Germans did not cross, the combats and bombings had continued up to 1941, when the Fhrer gave up the invasion and its new taken over on a contract basis would be allied the Ussr, with the Barbarossa plan. Japan signed in 27 of September of 1941, the Treated Tripartite with the powers fascists. The Axle was formed, with the adhesion of Hungria, Eslovquia and Romnia, two months later.

Factors To Achieve The Success In A Strategy Cathedral And Height Of The Social Cathedral

Year 2010 has been vertiginous in terms of numbers of businesses. While the economies agonize immersed in the devastation and desolation brought about by the years of the speculation, impunity and the abuse, the new model grows, it expands and it is equipped with new and constant opportunities for the marks. Any doubt does not fit that the social CATHEDRAL and Networks, have been the indispensable platforms to obtain the reputation and the consolidation of the marks, but the 2010 left us in addition what it was known like the Social CATHEDRAL, that it defines to a set of tendencies applied in the social networks that look for the optimization of the searches through the advantage to count on the factor of ” access in time real”. Additionally, the finders integrate results in which the social networks are present what it speaks of a relation between the active presence of the marks in the social networks and the improvement to us in the positioning Web. We are therefore before two platforms of high level of competition that manage to find the points of contact for unifying criterion-to improve the quality of the network and to obtain its constant growth.

CATHEDRAL, social and traditional, same criteria same rules the CATHEDRAL acquires a still greater relevance now, to the essential being as much in the social networks as in the finders and, the philosopher stone of the efficiency of the CATHEDRAL is the contents. We see as they are the most effective variables to obtain a good positioning in finders and social networks. Titles, certainly the title is one of the most excellent factors of the positioning, is a very habitual error to think that the titles are created for robots, quite to the contrary, the title is for the reader and is the first variable of attraction towards the content. URL, this item yes are related completely to the positioning, can here be determined the combination of key words by which it is wanted to position. They must be URL clean and descriptive? Densidad of the key words. It is very important to emphasize that the professionalism and creativity of the editor are essential to obtain texts whose architecture does not settle down a text traverse that is solely a succession of key words, without message, opinion and added value.

The content, the quality and originality of the same, as well as the capacity to generate opinion is essential factors to obtain a good positioning.

United States

" We recognize that the Member States of the G-8 persecute different routes to guarantee their power provision and to contribute to the reduction of gas discharges of effect invernadero" , it is read in the declaration. Germany is the unique country of the G-8 whose government decided on the abandonment of the energy atomics. The coalition directed by Angela Merkel does not want to give reverse gear to the agreement agreed by its predecessor, Gerhard Schrder, whose roji-green coalition negotiated with the great power partnerships a gradual abandonment of the nuclear power. The generation of energy through reactors represents dangers before which there are still no answers. One of them is the radioactivity, that can have disastrous consequences after a failure in the safety measures, like vi in Chernobyl. Another problem is the radioactive remainders whose life can extend during thousands of years. These reasons were those that impelled in Germany the decision to leave the nuclear power.

The antecedent is had as it indicates dw- to it, that Italy closed its nuclear power stations in the decade of the 90 after a referendum. The rest of industrialized countries emphasized the benefits of the development of the nuclear power, that will guarantee world-wide the power provision without contaminating the environment. France produces almost all their electricity in central atomics. The United Kingdom prepares the construction of new plants, whereas the United States and Russia were the great defenders of the development of the energy atomics at world-wide level in the encounter of Saint Petersburg Eva Usi adds, that in the document of 12 pages, the leaders of the G-8 committed themselves with the transparency, the competition and an increasing investment in the power sector. Nevertheless diplomatic sources showed reserves of which these objectives are put in practice, after all are doubts so that Russia abra its gigantic power market.

New York

Our grandparents thought who, at this point, we would feed ourselves on pills of colors, we would travel to the Moon in ferrys and New York through a tunnel under the Atlantic. Instead of that, we have elevated the gluttony to art, the technology is of pocket and it serves to us to connect to us with our friendly, and not only we continued flying New York in airships, but we have reclaimed the street car. In addition we listened to the music of our ancestors, dressed its clothes and when we bought an amplifier for iPhone we take control of one with radio aspect of the Fifties. ” One of the argued reasons to explain our present obsession with the past is that this it makes us feel insurances.

I am not of acuerdo” , Elizabeth Guffey, educational of the Purchase University and author of the Retro book takes part: The culture of revival. ” I would say that the past she helps to give sense us to things that go too much quickly. The futurismo that has dominated great part of the popular culture of century XX has died. If we thought about how it will be the world from now until one hundred years, the majority of us we remained in target. But you asked it our grandparents, spoke without doubting to you flying cars, vacations in the Moon “. Source of the news: : The recycling and nostalgia are appropriated everything.

Social Mass Media

A recent trip that Seville realised from in the BIRD, which began being an informal conversation between fellow travellers, became a little more two hours of passage in an exciting debate on the economic viability of the written press. My neighbor of seat, with interests in a publishing group, commented the problematic one of the sector with a pessimistic vision of the final results. It is certain that the written press is crossing one of the worse moments of history, but of there to that we are before the eminent death of average writings, an abyss exists that there is to know how to resist with one studied strategy of marketing. Otherwise, we would end up giving to the reason those easy pens that they predict its end in the next decades. In order to approach the subject with rigor, it is necessary to be conscious that the traditional means are in decisive crossroads and that they will have to be re-invented if they want to survive in the 21st century. The economic crisis is affecting all the sectors and the one of the communication is not an exception, as much at national level as international. General level, this year we have seen that the numbers in different social mass media have continued undergoing a reduction? The New York Times, the greater journalistic institution of the first economy of the world, are lost 74 4 million dollars in the first trimester of the 2009. Le Monde are lost 43 7 million Euros in 2008. The Swedish group Meter, secondly in the world in newspaper diffusion, are lost 13 5 million Euros in the first trimester. In the USA one struggles to turn newspapers into foundations to save them and in our country the data facilitated by the OJD and Infoadex speak to us as much of reductions in the sale concerning unit like in the advertising income.


FEAR TO TRAVEL Even though that I have 25 years and many desire to live, to see world, to know other countries, but, at the same time, gives fear me to travel. When I travel, me estreso easily because I fear to lose the train or the airplane, that robs to me, to be single the result is that I do not travel as much as wanted. Why it happens this to me? Josefa – Asuncio’n – Dear Paraguay Josefa: Often, the things that we wished more are those that we fear more and this seems to be your situation against the trips. The stranger generates uncertainty to us and he gives the sensation us of loss of control. When you project the next trip, it thinks what things you can control and which no.

If you are a foresighted person, you will not arrive behind schedule at the airport nor at the station of trains. This with regards the controlable thing. As far as which it is not possible to be controlled, it creates a space in your mind for the unforeseen circumstance. There are some who in the budget of their trip assign an amount of money to the game of ” imprevistos”. For example, 200 Euros that are sections to support possible robberies or losses.

If it is necessary to use it, there it is the money. If no, they are possible to be dedicated to a special dinner, of return, to be pleased that everything has left very well. And, for unforeseen expenses that are not solved with money, it takes in your next trip music that inspires to you, a book to read, a film to see; in short, additional resources that allow you to enjoy that you like and she does not make centrarte you in the action travel in himself.