General Regimen

At last, they will have that to remain working to that they had started to work more early so that they do not have loss in the value of its retirement. 4 CONSEQUNCIAS OF FACTOR PREVIDENCIRIO IN the INCOME OF the PENSIONER the main consequence of the application of the previdencirio Factor in the calculation of the retirement at the same time where backwards a great disadvantage for the insured, since it reduces the value considerably I benefit of it, also she is most advantageous to the National Institute of Seguro Social (INSS), therefore will diminish what this will have to pay to the beneficiaries. As Arajo (2008) the factor was created stops for in day the accounts of the Social welfare, that met deficit to many years, with this measure are tried to reduce the deficit in the accounts of the General Regimen of Previdncia Social (RGPS), fact are that already it finds resistance and, as already comes happening will have that to be found one another solution for the problem. Martinez (2001: p.662) it explains despite: It is difficult to foretell the future of the previdencirio factor. As it will produce inconformidades and insatisfaes, it will generate divergences and perplexidades. Penalty not to have been debated in the seio of the society and between the specialists. The law project transited celeremente per ninety days in the National Congress, without great quarrels on its property or search of alternatives. Probably it is seed in the way of the capitalizaton.

In May of 2010 the continuity of the previdencirio factor in the chamber was knocked down, but after having been sent to the Senate it was not for front the project. As the calculation nothing more is of what a reducer of the incomes of the Brazilian, its fall would be a great victory for the Brazilian workers. Therefore although its creation to have been to support the insured, is a reducer of I benefit that it harms the more necessary worker when.

The Quagmire

A mantle of dark green silt covered the roots that jumped of inside of the land. To far one saw great small trees with its long arms opened for the sky in an shout of clemency of the suffocating mantle of the plants parasites that went down in long braids and went up as immense serpents. In the hollow trunks and decayed roots insects: strange scorpions, lacraias, beetles of all the formats jumped for the ground. In the sky bees and mosquitos they dived inside in clouds of the capinzal. Strange sounds saw, all the moment, to dive in the ears of our travellers, sounds as: to jam of dry twigs, alucinantes shouts, howl of the wind. An agonizing choir that fulled the quagmire all.

When seeing that Antenor place gave a step stops backwards and stumbled at a trunk and falls of coast. There lying it saw, for its astonishment, a great black spider preparing its teia. The spider ran of a side for the other with its long legs weaveeing a great mantle in form of net with a long wire that leaves a small orifice located in abdome the jenny, almost transparent. At this moment, a small fly, careless way, beat in the teia and were imprisoned, despaired insistently tried if to exempt, the more if it debated imprisoned more was, its agitation called the attention the spider that in great speed it dived against the fly it involved and it with a shroud. Scared, Antenor if raised quickly and if it played on of Gordon that slip and falls in the soil.

Viable Development

The organization Catholic by the Right To decide placed, in the State Capital of Quertaro, nine spectacular announcements of the campaign ” Another catholic glance of aborto” , of which seven were closed in the municipality of Quertaro. The members of the group that sent the campaign impute such closings to a censorship luck since the announcements at issue transmit the idea that the Church does not condemn to the abortion in certain cases, while invites the population to visit the Web site: , this in order that they know the cases in which the Canonical Right exempts of excommunication the women who decided on the abortion. The objective of this campaign is the one to bring back to consciousness to the catholic women on the reasons in which the Church considers to the abortion, communicating the foundations on which the Code of Canonical Right for this exoneration, established in canon 1323, as well as other arguments is based in which the catholic tradition leans to support the right of the women to decide on its maternity. nine spectacular ones were placed the 31 of May of 2010 and it was tried that its exhibition lasted a month. Nevertheless, 4 of June I carry out the first closing on the part of the Sedesu (Secretariat of Viable Development) of the queretano Municipality, through the Direction of Urban Development. The closing I carry out myself under the legal argument of which these closings are part of ” Program of Stabilisation of Espectaculares” Announcements; , with base in the dated official notice of press the 8 of June.

This, the catholic group blames such closings as a direct censorship to its campaign, because the form in which the same was carried out blocked the image completely, of little conventional form, since the seal of ” was not placed; clausura” , but they completely painted spectacular of target, nullifying the trade name. To these closings one is added realised in the city of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco. Reason why the catholic organization is on the matter awaiting an answer of the justification of these penalties.

Cold War

The narrator leaves clearly also that the occidental people are the people who thus think, more not they, not them people who during years had coexisted an administered price of everything, and with a difficult life, now the things are easy, however, they do not obtain to admit that the people impose them such attitude, such fact, this make in them to relembrar the episode of the beer already cited the top, where the narrator criticizes the economy. One another important aspect that we see in elapsing of the history, is the division of classrooms that exists, this division of classrooms always is dealt with explicit way, and this occurs since the start of the narrative, therefore always we have Mr. von Ribbeck, the peasants, the coachmen, the soldiers, the controllers, the heads of the cooperative, and the occidental people. The arrival of the occidental people and the fall of the wall in them more leave the accented social matter. Therefore it passes then the narrator throughout its speech, in showing to this division and to them it also makes it one criticizes to the capitalist system and the socialist system. The great one it doubts that it is also the one that route to after take the fall of the wall, this the narrator says in them when during its speech it says that: the false battle finally was decided, and that luck that we were not winning them, this you can say well high, therefore now we are unified, we are not more enemy, excellent! (…) as we go to continue? (Delius, 1991, p.74/75) the false battle that the author cites we can say that one is not only about the division of Germany, as well as of the world-wide division between the two blocks capitalist and socialist, that is the Fria.A War cold war it was the world-wide bipolarization, it is called cold war because it did not have no armed conflict, only a world-wide tension if it would have war or not, the Cold War was the main cause of the division of Germany.