Chief Liquidation

On the question of when to open the company can always be difficult to answer as follows: “Closing the company needed in a timely manner.” It should identify the following ten reasons for the speedy elimination of the organization: 1. First Secretary of State may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Head of the organization was summoned to the ifts to give explanations regarding the activities of the firm, and this same manager did not know know where it ifts. 2. Opera came from daec, rolled out a list of documents for the immediate representation, and the company had never been such securities. 3. The chief accountant of the company wrote a letter to resignation, accompanied by the words: “In your document features a leg break.” 4. The company does not Chief accountant and head of the firm can not remember when he last rented tax returns.

5. ceo can not remember the full name of company, address of its state registration and Name of the bank, which opened an account of the firm. 6. ceo can not recall at least some indicators of the balance of the company. 7. Nobody in the company has no idea where the documents are the primary Accounting (contracts, certificates, receipts, invoices, etc.) on which the entire tax reporting.

8. The owner is no longer in need of another entity. 9. Firm, through which the company has cashed the money, visited fns staff and the Interior Ministry, seizing all documents and computers. 10. Even the Interior Ministry officers were unable to establish who is the de facto head of the company. In the presence of infantry would be one of the above symptoms, you should just think about as a quick way to liquidate the company – the elimination of firms through the sale of the company face value. When deciding how to liquidate the company should weigh the advantages of each type of liquidation of organizations (Formal liquidation, the liquidation through bankruptcy, liquidation by replacing the owners and managers, the elimination through merger with another organization, etc.).

Underground Advertising

I can not imagine how we and all who were before we went on the subway without advertising. The same was so boring. I went to the lobby 'Color boulevard' and to me an endless tube escalator. On one wall of me smiling happy students commercial institutions, with serious faces and sad eyes at me defiantly looking model calling to quit smoking, drinking, littering. Sparkle credit cards, carried by three consecutive banner Internet – Providers offering the same services for the same money, but the firm belief that their provider is better. Turn my head, and then cell phones, laptops, elite lingerie the eye is pleased, but my heart is filled with foreboding beautiful life. Here is heard loudly from the top: "Moscow Metro invites you to work " Information and absorbed into the brain, you feel that you live that the world around is dynamic and does not stand still. And if we keep track change of posters in time for one particular station, it becomes quite interesting.

"Before there was" Nescafe ", and today Knicks, apparently at the" Nescafe "with the money issue, or in the area he was not drinking. But here Self-propelled ladder over and I get in the car. Assistance in the preparation, registration, liquidation. Wanted managers, directors, janitors. The study of languages including Thai, not only language but also the massage! Sale in The Seventh Continent – caviar from 139 rubles! Memorize. In Sportmaster 50% discount – buy a jacket tomorrow. Sofa for a third of the price – I just already falling apart. One word – Metro has become the center of promoting goods and services.

Driving along the same branch through Moscow can hardly have time to read all the ads in the train. Of course, you say that you were once the book. They are still there, and newspapers and magazines, too. And if you forget? And there is around the commercials? We have to go on an escalator in the downtrodden silence, and even no place to look, and the car has to look over his shoulder, a neighbor, that would read half a page of some , and in the middle, without delving into the essence. that would in any way then to fill the gap in information flow and take thought. So many in fact that's not like it! They are greedy! Turn away, do not give a reading. So, whoever that may say, and no advertising in the dungeon would be quite dull and dreary.

Chocolate Tree

The taste of chocolate and cocoa everyone knows. Many also know that they are prepared from the seeds of chocolate trees. And here is where the homeland of these trees are not well known. We were brought cocoa seeds from Africa. But the birthplace of chocolate tree is South America. How did horrible chocolate tree in Africa? When more than one hundred years ago in a small African village was born a boy named Tete Kvasha, in his homeland do not know what a cocoa. Did not know this tasty drink and in neighboring countries, because then all over Africa did not grow any chocolate tree. Aunt rose, he became a good blacksmith. But life was difficult for him. Aunt decided to leave his native village in search of a better life elsewhere. In foreign places life was not better. And Aunt moved from country to country until he came to the island of Ferdinando By that near Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. There he saw the unusual trees. Their orange fruit resembling a small ribbed melons, hanging straight from the barrels. Inside the fruit was set reddish seeds. Islanders roasted seeds, ground them into powder, brewed with boiling water and prepared a delicious drink, a blacksmith, still have not tried. Leaving home, Tete took with him a handful of wonderful seeds and planted near his hut. Warm and humid climate the Gold Coast was favorable to the aliens. They grew luxuriantly and in a few years have brought first fruits. Aunt prepared drink and treated the guests. Drink they liked, and they began to grow unusual trees. So there were in Ghana, as it is now called the former British colony of Gold Coast, the first grove chocolate trees. Now they are there in abundance. A thousand tons of seeds are trafficked to many countries around the world. Money from the sale of seeds is the main income of the state. Ghanaians can remember whom they are obliged to this. In a small town Mampong – the former village of Tete – is dilapidated hut. It reinforced board with the inscription, is already done after Ghana became a free country. The House late Aunt Kvasha – a great benefactor of Ghana, who died Dec. 22, 1892 year “.