Factors To Achieve The Success In A Strategy Cathedral And Height Of The Social Cathedral

Year 2010 has been vertiginous in terms of numbers of businesses. While the economies agonize immersed in the devastation and desolation brought about by the years of the speculation, impunity and the abuse, the new model grows, it expands and it is equipped with new and constant opportunities for the marks. Any doubt does not fit that the social CATHEDRAL and Networks, have been the indispensable platforms to obtain the reputation and the consolidation of the marks, but the 2010 left us in addition what it was known like the Social CATHEDRAL, that it defines to a set of tendencies applied in the social networks that look for the optimization of the searches through the advantage to count on the factor of ” access in time real”. Additionally, the finders integrate results in which the social networks are present what it speaks of a relation between the active presence of the marks in the social networks and the improvement to us in the positioning Web. We are therefore before two platforms of high level of competition that manage to find the points of contact for unifying criterion-to improve the quality of the network and to obtain its constant growth.

CATHEDRAL, social and traditional, same criteria same rules the CATHEDRAL acquires a still greater relevance now, to the essential being as much in the social networks as in the finders and, the philosopher stone of the efficiency of the CATHEDRAL is the contents. We see as they are the most effective variables to obtain a good positioning in finders and social networks. Titles, certainly the title is one of the most excellent factors of the positioning, is a very habitual error to think that the titles are created for robots, quite to the contrary, the title is for the reader and is the first variable of attraction towards the content. URL, this item yes are related completely to the positioning, can here be determined the combination of key words by which it is wanted to position. They must be URL clean and descriptive? Densidad of the key words. It is very important to emphasize that the professionalism and creativity of the editor are essential to obtain texts whose architecture does not settle down a text traverse that is solely a succession of key words, without message, opinion and added value.

The content, the quality and originality of the same, as well as the capacity to generate opinion is essential factors to obtain a good positioning.