International Monetary Fund

Always says Hugo Chavez? as a joke? that the Mars planet in a time lodged human life, but that Capitalism devastated with her. Of there the erosive and devastated aspect than it was of the planet. The industrialismo at any cost, the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) and the use of nuclear weapons, besides other elements (to see down), would be the ttrico finishing touch of the fable, alluding already to the mechanisms responsible for the hecatomb, mechanisms of own pressure and repression of the prevailing politico-economic model in the world. Habit and system of the devastation. The capitalist model porfa in its subsistence, even though contemplates the ruins than his implementation it has generated. The political right, with imperial his nfulas, at any cost defends, knowing full well that it is the unique facade that disguises the crude social division of masters and operated slaves, orerators and, and pressed opresores to it and that it tolerates. Historically they have taken control (Capitalism and right) of the concept of democracy for the forge of its interests. You so far do not go when listening that the USA cultivates the best democracy of the world (what chance, no) and it verifies that it has arrests to take part militarily in other countries and to punish the breaking of the progressive norm of the world: the democracy.

So that Capitalism, political right and democracy (in its prostituida version the last one) seem to constitute liquefied ideological of the planetary domination and the devastation. You hear debate in the middle of the robust and present crisis systemic-financier, doing malabares to sell the idea that the capitalist development without crisis is possible. Emblematic it was the effort realised in Pittsburgh (September) by the richest countries (G-8) to convince to the member rest of the G-20, that is to say, to the calls emergent economies, like Brazil, China, Argentina, among others.