New Authorities

The growing involvement of universities in their immediate environment has become to social commitment one of the topics star of higher education in the 21st century. Presents a new opportunity in November of this year to the University of Carabobo, to elect new authorities, who rescue his image, especially in an era where facts that require another vision, of minds strategists, visionaries have said able to face the great challenges that today the Venezuelan scenario presents. You should be considered, that the modern University is one in which instruction and research have a very close relationship with the current problems of society. However, when society’s problems seem to be large and the contribution of the University to resolve them small, it is inevitable that students will seek to use the University as a base for the reform or revolution of society. When the political system and the economic and social structure are not able to solve basic problems of policy Foreign and national, students are especially sensitive to the injustices of the institutions or current standards, and have greater freedom, time and energy to express their points of view. This can be carried out in several ways, from the peaceful request, meetings of protest until demonstrations, marches, strikes and occupations of buildings. The effectiveness of the student protest varies with the society, the legitimacy of the Government and media used. You are expected to adopt a position of opposition and make clear the shortcomings of society, and the public attention to their views. That reality points out how the universities are discussed in an uncertain, turbulent scenario, product of the political instability that is addressed to a Government which has generated uncertainty, risks, and is in favour of centralizing his power through their political ideology attached to socialism that wants to establish in the 21st century cannot be denied.