Brazil Dollar

Regarding the world-wide financial crisis and looking at how it affects Brazil: At the top of the list it is well capitalized a solid financial system and, without occult risks in rockings riddled of tricks, as it occurred in the United States. Test of this is that since 2008 no Brazilian bank of national covering it broke, with exception of the Pan-American. the weekly magazine of the April says: ‘ ‘ In according to place, Brazil still has in box more reserves in foreign currency of what the total of the external debt. With this recess, the Central banking has maneuver edge to brighten up traumatic fluctuations of the exchange in accordance with vendendo or buying dollar in the market the necessities of each moment. Hear other arguments on the topic with casio. The good situation of the reserves leaves Brasilia in favorable conditions also to allow that investing foreigners remove its economies of the country changing its Reals for dollar, what he confers still more to Brazil credibility.

A country that does not hinder the dollar exit artificially is a country that attracts dollar with facilidade’ more; ‘. advances: ‘ ‘ The third point is the absence of ‘ ‘ bolhas’ ‘ in the economy. That is, even so if she can technical affirm that the property are with the irrealmente high prices in Brazil, this not yet configures a bubble, therefore they are not being financed for instruments of credit without ballast, as she occurred in the American market, opening way for the 2008 crisis. The room tranquilizador factor is the monetary politics of the Central banking that, having been sufficiently strict in last the ten years, accumulated credibility to act with the signal changed in case of the contraction to show the face. That is, the interests are in a high platform and to lower them can have effect stimulant in the economy, will be necessrio’ ‘.

Ambient Accounting

We can affirm that the ambient accounting is the process that directs the companies on its performances in the ambient scope, with the analysis of data and improvements in the power to decide procedures for the solutions of the ambient problems faced by the organizations. The objective of the Ambient Accounting is to control and to register, all developed activity or that it is in development that can bring damages to the environment or then to diminish the related effect of a productive activity to the ambient question, having accountings in accounts you specify, in the date that occurred the fact, being based in the Basic Principles of the Accounting Resolution 750/93 of the CFC. Second (BLACKSMITH, SIQUEIRA, GOMES, 2009, p.199) ' ' The evidenciao of the ambient, voluntary information or not, is one of the challenges faced by the accounting in atualidade' '. The use of the ambient accounting is not useful only for the entrepreneurs, it has increased increasingly its use for demand of the legislation, the investors, the banks, public in general e, in last analysis, of the process of global competition. AMBIENT COSTS AND EXPENDITURES Cost is a relative expense to or service used the well in the production of other goods or services (MARTINS apud HISSES, 2003, P.

87). Ambient costs and expenditures are expenses applied in the system of ambient management in the process of production and ecological politics of the entity. To the being applied in the production directly, the expenses are called Costs, indirectly will have been applied, are called Expenditures. It is possible to affirm that: Costs are relative expenses the production gave or service well, that if the good value of or service incorporates. Thus, for example, when a substance is acquired cousin is incurred into an expense. This substance cousin is seen as an investment while it remains in the supply and changeds itself into a cost (parcel cost product) as soon as it enters in the productive process of the good.

General Regimen

At last, they will have that to remain working to that they had started to work more early so that they do not have loss in the value of its retirement. 4 CONSEQUNCIAS OF FACTOR PREVIDENCIRIO IN the INCOME OF the PENSIONER the main consequence of the application of the previdencirio Factor in the calculation of the retirement at the same time where backwards a great disadvantage for the insured, since it reduces the value considerably I benefit of it, also she is most advantageous to the National Institute of Seguro Social (INSS), therefore will diminish what this will have to pay to the beneficiaries. As Arajo (2008) the factor was created stops for in day the accounts of the Social welfare, that met deficit to many years, with this measure are tried to reduce the deficit in the accounts of the General Regimen of Previdncia Social (RGPS), fact are that already it finds resistance and, as already comes happening will have that to be found one another solution for the problem. Martinez (2001: p.662) it explains despite: It is difficult to foretell the future of the previdencirio factor. As it will produce inconformidades and insatisfaes, it will generate divergences and perplexidades. Penalty not to have been debated in the seio of the society and between the specialists. The law project transited celeremente per ninety days in the National Congress, without great quarrels on its property or search of alternatives. Probably it is seed in the way of the capitalizaton.

In May of 2010 the continuity of the previdencirio factor in the chamber was knocked down, but after having been sent to the Senate it was not for front the project. As the calculation nothing more is of what a reducer of the incomes of the Brazilian, its fall would be a great victory for the Brazilian workers. Therefore although its creation to have been to support the insured, is a reducer of I benefit that it harms the more necessary worker when.