English Language Courses

Each 6-klassnitsa has the ability to engage in a separate study in specially equipped training center, which also has a kitchen, computer room, lounge, recreation room and classrooms for seminars. Every teacher who teaches in the 6th grade, oversees the work of 10 – 11 girls that can give individual attention to each student. In the second year 6 class (the last year in school), girls living in the residence Tower, located just 5 minutes walk from the school HLC. This is a somewhat separate living symbol of their growing maturity and heralds the next stage of education – university entrance. From high school student elected mayor, the captains of the school teams, school choir soloist and the head of the school.

As in other residences in Tower residence with the girls is always an adult caregiver. High school student is allowed to go after school in the city, returning home a little later than others, cooking for themselves and often go home to weekend. At HLC well taught music. Classical music is studied by all before the course GCSE. More than half of girls playing on one or more musical instruments. 14 musicians are taught the game to all musical instruments, except for the harp.

At Harrogate Ladies’ College girls are thinking about your future career at an early stage of education. Since 14 years they are taught to use the so-called Library of vocational guidance. The school invites speakers to talk to pupils the professions. Immediately after passing GCSE girls are carefully planned two-week practice in different areas: it could be medicine, law, manufacturing, banking, veterinary science, drama activities, real estate, education, military service. Every 2 years HLC Fair organizes a profession that allows girls and their parents to ask questions to representatives of more than 70 professions. At HLC girls have an excellent opportunity to create. For even more details, read what First Secretary of State says on the issue. There is a very good theatrical circle. Schoolgirls are engaged in various kinds of art, ceramics, fashion. On Saturdays the girls a rest: they go canoeing, judo, mosaics, cooking, fencing, burn the tree. The girls go to opera, ballet, art galleries, as well as museums and theaters in London. On Sundays, a student attending a church service in the school chapel, where the poet school choir, consisting of 34 girls, 14 – 18. School Harrogate Ladies College choir for over 80 years – that’s why the school is well known in the UK. The choir not only sings in the chapel, but also recorded on the radio and occasionally on tour for abroad. On Sundays the girls from the residence of Oakdale usually go on trips, to which may be the formation or simply relaxing. Schoolgirls visit local attractions, theme parks, bowling, movies. Harrogate Ladies’ College organizes trips for his students abroad, for example, in Germany, Italy, France and Canada. Several times a year at Harrogate Ladies’ College Days of Open Doors. Future student can come and experience the all of what the girls live HLC: these days carried out a full program of activities from 9.30 to 17.35, which includes theatrical group, employment creation, sports, and even the opportunity to sit in on classes!