
Every time the valuation of the high people in charge of the Organizations is increasing, with respect to the security of the information of its company, so that the decisions that are to take in their daily task, allows them to locate to its company in a scope of not only of minimum risk, but of strength with respect to the management of the information. The really surprising thing, is not that this one perspective has pierced on the industralists, but every time has major pierced in the workers who gear the Organization, so that they contribute to a more agile and effective advance, and to increase the competividad in this one branch of the management. From this one point of view, what horizon of future is the wished one? It is being put in value like competitive advantage, that in time of crisis, where the uncertainty, and the pesimism sometimes prevails, those companies that offer certainty and security in the management of their information, are positioned better than those than do not worry . The panorama of a company that does not contemplate management of the security of its information, can have consequences like deficiency of information at the moment in that it is needed, functional deficiencies in the information systems, lack of operational efficiency of the employees. How many times it will have happened to see lack of coherence in the data of a company? If these data are those of the Department of Accounting, he is preferable not to think about the repercussion could have at the time of formulating decisions of business, and still more in these times. Nevertheless, the study of the efficiency in the data processing, like point of revision of a SGSI, allows righter strategic decisions. We remember from AUDEA, as always, that the best one of the defenses is the prevention, reason why the companies can implant a variable number of these systems of management to improve the organization and benefits, although the last objective would have to be to arrive at a unique system of management that contemplates all the necessary aspects for the organization, being based on cycle PDCA of common continuous improvement to all these standards. udea Security of the Information Eduardo Caves Legal department . Additional information is available at George Osborne.

Countable Applications

Minister of Economy and Competitividad contributed an interesting innovation: the based fantastic accounting, if one may use the expression, on futuribles. A surrealistic accounting that admits later applications. Of Sour cherries it has entered with the greater self-confidence the number of unemployed who could have been avoided if the government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero had applied the labor reform decreed by the one of Mariano Rajoy. According to the minister in days organized by the Country explained yesterday and sponsored by Bankia the organization that his old head presides over, Rodrigo Short while, if the previous Government had made the reform del that him has happened Spain would have a million unemployed today less. And he said three days to it after Mariano Rajoy would warn that this year 630,000 jobs will be destroyed more. It means an elevation of the rate of unemployment on the active populace of the 21.6 percent undergone in 2011 to the 24.3 anticipated in the macroeconomic picture for the present exercise. A terrible number and of difficult social assimilation that it does not prevent that Luis de Guindos sees the light at the end of the tunnel, a perception barely countable software of equally visionary character. It turns out opportune in this respect to remember the manifestations that not long ago Jose Manuel Gonzlez formulated Desert, member of the Executive Committee of the European Central bank (BCE) on the decision of the Popular Party del that Desert waits for a high position.

The advisor of the BCE in an interview was surprised granted to the Country that a country with unemployment of 22% is not raised socially. Put to the surrealistic applications of accounting I remain to the expressed one by Esteban Gonzlez Pons in electoral campaign. The General vice-secretary of the PP Pons assured then that its party aspired to create three million and average of jobs, if it gained the elections of the 20 of November, thanks to the irruption of a million new industralists. Every day the great and small companies are discovering the power of to use the macros with Excel jointly, the companies require of realised computer science programs to measured of their needs, to manage of automatic, fast and effective way the internal processes of the business. Simultaneously many people in their daily work realise repetitive tasks in front of their Excel leaves, wasting whole days in realising way information manual which, with a simple click to a button in a matter of seconds would be realised. The macros allow us to automate and to carry out complex tasks, increasing to the efficiency and effectiveness of the work.

Viable Development

The organization Catholic by the Right To decide placed, in the State Capital of Quertaro, nine spectacular announcements of the campaign ” Another catholic glance of aborto” , of which seven were closed in the municipality of Quertaro. The members of the group that sent the campaign impute such closings to a censorship luck since the announcements at issue transmit the idea that the Church does not condemn to the abortion in certain cases, while invites the population to visit the Web site: , this in order that they know the cases in which the Canonical Right exempts of excommunication the women who decided on the abortion. The objective of this campaign is the one to bring back to consciousness to the catholic women on the reasons in which the Church considers to the abortion, communicating the foundations on which the Code of Canonical Right for this exoneration, established in canon 1323, as well as other arguments is based in which the catholic tradition leans to support the right of the women to decide on its maternity. nine spectacular ones were placed the 31 of May of 2010 and it was tried that its exhibition lasted a month. Nevertheless, 4 of June I carry out the first closing on the part of the Sedesu (Secretariat of Viable Development) of the queretano Municipality, through the Direction of Urban Development. The closing I carry out myself under the legal argument of which these closings are part of ” Program of Stabilisation of Espectaculares” Announcements; , with base in the dated official notice of press the 8 of June.

This, the catholic group blames such closings as a direct censorship to its campaign, because the form in which the same was carried out blocked the image completely, of little conventional form, since the seal of ” was not placed; clausura” , but they completely painted spectacular of target, nullifying the trade name. To these closings one is added realised in the city of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco. Reason why the catholic organization is on the matter awaiting an answer of the justification of these penalties.

Jerusalem Travel

Ulrich W. Sahm of hGalil writes on diplomatic censures between Israel and the Vatican. In them questions treated like whom, when or where it went away to give a speech and in what zone. The mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, had invited for example to the papal delegation to one behind schedule magician in Jerusalem. Like congregation place was predicted in the Eastern region of the city, that conquered Israel in 1967, and since the Vatican does not recognize the Israelite sovereignty on the Eastern Jerusalem, this it demanded the mayor who he would abstain to give a reception speech. This gave reason to that the Vatican received the following answer: The mayor will give a speech. The one that wants to come to the reception ceremony, that comes.

The celebration will be realised of any way. The Israelite newspapers informed with commentaries into enemistad and bad-tempered on the papal visit as of Monday. Unpopular titled Jedijot Achronot in one double page its article on the visit of German " bendecido" Benedicto, that was long ago a soldier of the militia and the army of Hitler. A famous survivor of holocausto, Noah Kliger, remembers a speech of Joseph Ratzinger in the city of Auschwitz in January of the 2006. Mr. Kliger concludes his commentary with certain uneasiness, writing down: " As we know, the ways of God for the people, Jewish as as much Christian, are not known to us.

This also seems to be valid for the ways of the representative of God in the Earth. " Before so badly it acclimates in the country, Israel has put in movement a gigantic protection of " the tnica blanca". 80,000 police and agents have participated in her, becoming thus in the operation of security greater than it has existed in the history of Israel. Nevertheless when Jesus de Nazaret entered Israel approx 2000 years ago, he did it mounted on the back of a donkey, next to 12 companions possibly disarmed. What is what as much Benedicto XVI fears? Perhaps it has bad brings back to consciousness? , then if it is not thus could travel of one more a simpler way to Jerusalem, giving a good example. Perhaps they are its conflicting declarations against the use of condn, that always have disagreeable consequences for him. In Holland for example, a popular court of the Reality Television has declared to him guilty, responsible for the death of million patients of AIDS. The Pope allows to be protected by 80,000 police. But, why he does not trust God, if he is His Earth representative? When Jesus de Nazaret happened through the Earth, he said clearly: " My kingdom is not of this mundo". And exactly in the Bible of the Pope it is written: " My kingdom is not of this world; if of this world it was my kingdom, my ministers would have fought, so that was not given to the Jews, but my kingdom is not of aqu." (Juan 18.36) If the Pope needs 80,000 police that they protect to him, gives to the impression that its kingdom yes that rather he is of this world Original author and source of the article.