Training, Out Of The Crisis Changing The Production Model No Spanish

During the past week, the Government issued its draft Sustainable Economy Act, a law driven to achieve productive change in our country that can get us out of the crisis. Sustainable Economy Act is based on five key elements to accelerate the modernization of the economy: competitiveness, environmental sustainability, standardization of construction, innovation and training, and promotion of emerging sectors. Regarding the data on the training of workers, we found a striking difference between Spain and Europe. In Europe, 49% of the population has an intermediate level training while in Spain this percentage drops to 23%. If we add the population with vocational training and university degrees in the European Union at an average of 76% and in Spain is only 57%.

This has led to the suggestion that our economic recovery is slower than in the rest of Europe because of these data and hence a change is being fostered productive and therefore training, we match to the EU. The reform of vocational training is based on a relaxation of the system, besides providing a greater range of training and encouraging. All this is directed to the achievement of four ways: Access to an average grade of FP without the evidence of secondary education through a program of Initial Vocational Training. Access to the Baccalaureate Degree in a single course after obtaining a bachelor's degree FP East. Access to college after graduating at a higher level FP 30 ECTS may remedied if the race to study is related to the title of FP obtenidoConexion between formal and Vocational training for employment currently being developed by the Ministry Working as continuing education or unemployed. The Government is promoting this law taking into account that the reform of vocational training is both an education policy as an employment policy with the aim of increasing the level of education of the population and that in 2020 85% of jobs are for people with training. The FP may be the key to change the production model of our country and therefore be an essential element for economic recovery and job creation. – BA in Journalism – Master in International Relations – Graduate protocol and ceremonial – Currently, web content editor MASTERD – I love traveling, history, internet and, of course, journalism