Central America

The film ‘ ‘ Kinsey, We go To speak of Sexo’ ‘ it raises a series of questionings on the biological necessity of the sex, of the manifestation of the individual sexuality and many other questions related to the manifestation of the desire in its diverse ways, beyond affirming that the act of if relating sexually surpass the horizon of the mere procreation and it would not have to be faced as degradation or something impure. The sexuality, as constituent part of all, is and will be present in its among others varies forms and representations in the most different areas of the experience and existence corporal, emotional, social, religious, moral, ethical human being, such as. The sexuality human being is ample and accumulates of stocks much more that genital or the biological one, being this studied and used per many centuries as form of castration or impurity in religions and/or cultures, giving to it a value that referred to the moral and respectful values in the construction of a society (HEILBORN, 2006). The author James Farris (2003) adds affirming that the social agreements of the sexuality need to be understood in the historical context.

The meaning of being sexual beings has moved during some historical periods, but the cultural images continue influencing current attitudes regarding the sexuality and of the sexual behavior. The Puritanas attitudes, Victorian and of sexual freedom regarding sexuality continue had had and continue having influence in the occidental societies. The puritanas attitudes and moralities regarding the sexuality human being frequently are identified with the repression of the sexuality. The sexual beliefs and ethics Puritanas that if they had originated in diverse countries of the Europe had been spread for England, they had been transmitted for the North America and saw of the American missionaries north had influenced almost all the countries of Central America and the South..