Central America

The film ‘ ‘ Kinsey, We go To speak of Sexo’ ‘ it raises a series of questionings on the biological necessity of the sex, of the manifestation of the individual sexuality and many other questions related to the manifestation of the desire in its diverse ways, beyond affirming that the act of if relating sexually surpass the horizon of the mere procreation and it would not have to be faced as degradation or something impure. The sexuality, as constituent part of all, is and will be present in its among others varies forms and representations in the most different areas of the experience and existence corporal, emotional, social, religious, moral, ethical human being, such as. The sexuality human being is ample and accumulates of stocks much more that genital or the biological one, being this studied and used per many centuries as form of castration or impurity in religions and/or cultures, giving to it a value that referred to the moral and respectful values in the construction of a society (HEILBORN, 2006). The author James Farris (2003) adds affirming that the social agreements of the sexuality need to be understood in the historical context.

The meaning of being sexual beings has moved during some historical periods, but the cultural images continue influencing current attitudes regarding the sexuality and of the sexual behavior. The Puritanas attitudes, Victorian and of sexual freedom regarding sexuality continue had had and continue having influence in the occidental societies. The puritanas attitudes and moralities regarding the sexuality human being frequently are identified with the repression of the sexuality. The sexual beliefs and ethics Puritanas that if they had originated in diverse countries of the Europe had been spread for England, they had been transmitted for the North America and saw of the American missionaries north had influenced almost all the countries of Central America and the South..

Studies Condominium

But we are in a planet of tests and atonements and the biggest test of this it is that the life, all day, makes question of in them bringing certain total contrary situations what we would like. Continue to learn more with: casio. But, we go in front, therefore behind it comes people (incarnate and deixarred a carne). They forgive for ' ' brincadeirinha' '. Interesting to comment that in sixth at night we were to the anniversary of a friend. Although to like them people who were there and of the festive climate, glad and very relaxed, I I did not feel myself very well. The commotion of the children, allied to the heat and the fact of that I finished more than eating a little what habitual them last times, had made with that I isolated myself of the group for certain time. Strangely it felt me discouraged and overwhelming. I seated in a thoughtful bank for some time and I rationally did not obtain to find reasons feeling to be me of that skill.

He was tired, it was sixth fair and I needed to sleep. We sleep late and I had meeting of condominium in Saturday per the morning. As I am the syndic, he could not, in no hypothesis to leave to participate. I badly felt me again in Saturday per the morning, also with one inexplicable will to cry. I lead the meeting of the condominium in the best way that I could, everything transcorreu well, thanks to God, but, in the soul, it did not see the hour of that to finish. To the afternoon we made our Group of Studies and conjuncts.

After the closing, I had the colloquy told above with this friend entrepreneur of the House. The concern with the harmony of the House was in my mind. I observed that not only I was worried about this.

The Love

When my husband changes you on the other – to do a powerful magical work that contains in itself as he turned from razluchnitsy and cleansing, protecting the relationship, a love spell. As previously mentioned in the article about a love a love spell, the person subjected to omens often behaves inappropriately, he completely fixate on bewitch and simply do not realize that afflicts one with whom he lived for many years, does not appreciate what has been achieved in cooperation, forgetting that the woman, which passed so many years, firstly a reliable friend, and has only then a sex object. And no ordinary opponent will not be able to quickly become just such a loyal friend. And to get rid of that strange effect The Love 'to open her husband's eyes' – quite acceptable conduct and a love spell on her husband's mother, who will be the main component of all magical work on family preservation. It is believed that the love spell is very dangerous and leads to the end of the relationship This does happen, especially when the ceremony is performed a love spell witchcraft-amateurs, or independently by people far removed from magic. However, an experienced magician owns the methods of "light" omens, that did not produce unpleasant consequences.

Such omens are developing natural feelings, help them to develop and protect. I call these rituals – "twisting channels. Stranding is very well suited for improving relations couples because they do not cause any zombie . As a rule of power impact is somewhat weaker than the hard omens, but its strength is quite sufficient for a strong result. In general, the husband was loving, and with you.

If we take the terminology of Christianity – this is the sinless love spell, unlike the classic love spell. Very fortunate are those families where relationships are strengthened through the power and understanding of the spouses themselves, but how many of these especially among young couples As practice shows – in our time, most families and civilian couples have obvious or hidden problems that they themselves are unable to solve. In this situation, the magical help in strengthening the family and the derivation of relations to a new level – the perfect solution. Hermine and Ilidor.


High "I" unadorned with a narrow loop. This may be a manifestation of pride, there is no sign of vanity. Such a man is proud of his home, or maybe family. Print "I". Person wishes to obtain approval for a job well done work, he has a creative character, developed ingenious. Signature Signature of person – a mirror of the soul of man, or an illusion to others? And yet.

It is often said that the signature crystallize all the strengths or weaknesses human nature. Is this true? Of course, pretty much the way that a person creates for others, expressed in his signature. To analyze the best use of a signature affixed to nerazlinovannoy paper. For years of life in man is produced, as a rule, several signatures: one of them – it is a natural signature, which is used in private correspondence, the second – for the sighting of business papers. In the case where a person uses only one type of signature, we can talk about the natural naturalness of its behavior. The slope of the signature that is different from the slope in the rest of the text shows the differences between the inner world of man and his appearance. Signature made with tilted, meaning that intelligence controls emotions. If a man writes a tilted, and the signature with a slope to the right, a man characterized by prudence, his head completely controls the his heart, but he is friendly and sensitive. If a small hand with simple letters we sign with big letters, then the person is trying to portray the existence of a broad nature, which he does not actually possess.

Perception and Reality

Therefore, the reality that the person describes is the result of what it thinks, desires and imagines. In a world repleto of options, the choice of the element (either real or unreal) that it will go to compose the reality of somebody, beyond being subjective, is guided by a natural feeling of gratuity. Nothing by chance or it is produced by external or unknown force. All act is consequence of what already it was developed in the interior of each person, with the aid of its existential logic. The great danger in travelling in the world of the fancy and the illusion is that we can transform false events into true. When creating a reality and life in function of it, the person starts to live the life in accordance with what she imagines. Care! The imagination that represents an interior reality, in terms psychological, it is equalized a real event producing the same psychological effect and with repercussion in the physical and energy body.

Attention! All the percipient dimensions (real/unreal) are legitimate for perceive who them. The man does not need a real event to live deeply a pain, a suffering; its imagination is capable to provide this. DEVELOPMENT: The psiquismo is active, then the thought also is active and creative and not unconscious. It is for the act of the thought that the person chooses the mental content that will go to compose its imagination; soon, beyond to be creative of the proper illusions and fancies, it possesss the capacity to manage them. The process of creation of the imagination starts in the system mind-brain and after that it is executed by the body and the behavior.