Japanese Bobtail

There are more than 50 races of cats and all of them with different characteristics that they make them unique to the eyes of its owners. Some are product of the natural evolution, whereas others are the fruit of concerted efforts of genetic selection that they look for to perfect or to emphasize some distinguishing characteristics. We could say that there are cats for all the pleasures. Perhaps strangest it is the Sphynx, or Canadian cat without hair, whose development was product of a natural mutation and was observed for the first time in Canada in the decade of 1960. Although it seems that it does not have hair, in fact yes has, but one is a very subtle mantle that the ideal companion for allergic people does of this cat. Who is their owner will be with an extremely amiable creature, affectionate and very sociable, perfect for reduced atmospheres, since she does not need too much space to retozar. In a point opposed in the scale we have the Persians, race that is originated from the cat of Angora in England towards century XIX. It is a very showy cat, of forms cleared and massive.

Its more remarkable characteristic is its flat nose, that gives a very graceful appearance him. Its body is covered with very dense coat, that can have different colors, more than two hundred recognized officially, and has a very hairy tail. If we spoke of calm personages, this it is the cat to choose. Owner of a calm beauty, is extremely sociable and he takes very well with the people. Another cat very apt for the coexistence with the humans is the Burmilla, also owner of a beautiful coat.

Unlike the Persian cat, the coat of the Burmilla is short and compact, but it is a cat of wide chest and cleared head. The race was developed recently and documented towards year 1994. It can live in interiors, but it needs space to play. We can find in Chinchilla color, that it is basic target with the dark ends, combined with precious eyes of green color. This race seems a strange mixture between cat and rabbit, since its tail is short and seems pompn. One is the Japanese Bobtail, a race that according to says tradition, brings luck. It is between the smaller races of cats, because in his adult state it does not reach great proportions. The admitted colors are many, but in which they have the landlord Go the basic characteristics is that they have a spot on an eye, that sometimes can seem a patch. Some units can have the eyes of different color.