Rio De Janeiro

3. The first lumber the activity lumber, of the form as it presents itself today, arrived at the territory that belongs Is Domingos in the year of 1970. The lumber primeiroempresrio that arrived and implanted a company of the branch here, was umsenhor Spaniard consolidated in Brazil, that previously was technician in montagemde metallic structures for Petrobra’s. Migrou of Rio De Janeiro for Amazonian aregio in the year of 1970, after knowing that the government would federalconstruiria a road tearing the forest and binding to the region to the Center-South dopas and to the exterior. This exactly entrepreneur arrived at the city of Empress noMaranho saw Belm-Brasilia road, stops there of dislocating until Apinags debarco and with the disassembled saw-of-ribbon, therefore, the river still was the principalvia of access between these two cities. Of Apinags for They are Domingos, sawmill was carried in trucks. The company was mounted to the edges of the old track of aviaode Is Domingos, where she started to only function after the darodovia inauguration Transamaznica, more necessarily in the year of 1972. They were exploradosprincipalmente the mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla) and the Wood-yellow one (Euxylophoraparaensis), known regionally as ' ' amarelo' '.

Asexploraes was mainly made in areas of the owners of great castanhais, the ones that liveed in Marab, having been that in the distance average between sawmill and the explored area km reached a 30 at the beginning ray of, arriving 70km in the Eighties. The production was exported, mainly, to countries dEuropa, as England (bigger consumer of the mahogany sawed in Is Domingos), France and Spain. Therefore, he is valid to affirm that the open roads naregio, as Belm-Brasilia, PA-70 and Transamaznica, had been to the doors deentrada for a new productive model that if transformed into the main atividadeeconmica of use of the ground, according to Verssimo, Rasp, Lentini (2002). SoDomingos was not outside, also was enclosed in the roll of the areas the seremexploradas ones.