Labor Rise

From my point of view the keyword to consider in these cases is the employability, if that rise increases the same forward!, but: better exit by the tangent!. Or, if this cannot be done, OK, but find another job the more quickly as possible there are poisoned ascents are lateral progress, there are seems they are and take you to a path dead. others take you to a failure by ask for impossible things or for which do not give you the necessary resources and many have not been rigged or wage increased or real recognition not is refuse a promotion because you want to have a certainty of production means and human, economic and financial absolute, that security, the intelligent knows that it does not exist and success only be remunerated if he has behaved and implies for the futurea risk, but that risk must be evaluated to the extent humanly, by comparative experiences and in particular by common sense, it will go. What is true is that, before whom he has proposed us rise, generates our refusal in the frustration, by what we must calibrate well into our future situation. Before a climb you need to know if the proposal comes as a result of a statistically successful for our part practice, in which case is what we had wanted, and rejecting it would be losing an opportunity that does not usually return either we didn’t exactly that since we propose, but it if is a position that brings us closer to our ultimate goal, in which case we must also accept, or instead is something unexpected, little consistent in relation to our learn, experience and time devoted to the profession, what should make us doubt when less, as there are promotions that are offered because it is has no one more appropriate for the job at that time and the urgency required to attempts to try and see if the temptation to accept fate givesnext to the satisfaction of the ego, and know with greater remuneration, they do lose the head more than one, but the rule should be that of employability.