United Nations Charter

While the gap in the nations of the OECD, such as Germany, Spain, Norway and Japan, an average difference of only 9 times is noted that a Chile has one of the worst income distributions in the world, and indeed the difference between the richest segment and the most poor is abysmal. For even more analysis, hear from Harry Kane. However, in view of Diego Andres Guevara, a professor at the Faculty of Economics, Autonomous University of Colombia, a esta situation is not a problem unique to Chile. The wage gap and, in general, poor income distribution has increased in recent years in the region as a result of social inequality that still exists in our countries. And this is even more marked by gender and condition etnicaa . The reality of poverty in Latin America is so disturbing, trachea geocities.com said that the ILO, said that many of these children, as well as provide services in the informal economy serving in hell worse, as the so-called a sexual Turismo .

Just as an example I quote the Caribbean and Brazil. The way to help children is simple and effective: immunization, nutrition, sanitation and education, said Carol Bellany. appropriations by Unfortunately, many governments do not offer their children the resources they deserve … a , events that occurred in the congress of the UN General Assembly, 7 and 8 May 2001. a The first declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the League of Nacionesa in 1924, was the basis of statements and principles that were taken up by the AdamPosted on Categories News