State Commercial Meetings

ANPROTEC, SECEX, INPI, MCT Source: SEBRAE Appears 2? Universe of the Micron and Small Companies Source: SEBRAE Ahead of this scene, in 2007, the SEBRAE promotes a new research national to evaluate the taxes of survival and mortality of the micron and small companies as well as its condicionantes factors, what it would assist it in the programs of public politics and the planning of programs and action of support to the micron and small companies. 14,181 companies had been interviewed, to select the taxes of survival and mortality of the micron and small company. This research would also analyze the growth or reduction of the percentage of companies who continue in the market due to enterprise capacity of its administrators, knowledge gotten through the time of work and its gotten experiences, as well as its preparation to face challenges of the market. Added to this, the search for some type of assessorship aid or aid of management of its company, preferential credit (for micron and small company), treatment differentiated tributary, training of personal etc. For the calculation of the samples he was used as base the data you register in cadastre of the Annual Relation of Social Information (Rais), of Central Cadastro of Companies of IBGE (Cempre), of National Cadastro of Pessoas Jurdicas (CNPJ), of the Secretariat of the Federal prescription and the State Commercial Meetings. As they show Figures 3,4 and 5 below, SEBRAE (2007, P.

13,14): Dimension of the sample: 14,181 cases. Distribution of the total sample (2003 + 2004 + 2005) Taxes of survival and mortality consolidated for Brazil Taxes of survival Taxes of mortality In accordance with the research, the reading of these pictures in the sample that the micron and small companies who survive up to two years had had increase of its percentage of 50,6% in 2002 for 78% in 2005, what wants to say that, 27.4% more than the micron and small companies has remained in activity. This if of the one for the fact of its entrepreneurs to be searching bigger quality enterprise as well as, the improvement of the economic environment; management assessorship; aid of consultants and/or companies of consultoria; support of the SEBRAE; program of staff training; assessorships in the financial and organizacional area of the company. All these actions are of enterprise innovation that have brought success to the companies who are if directing to the development of innovative activities in order to remain itself in the market per much more years, of more competitive form and significantly differentiated. However, exactly with all these positive results that the companies have reached in promoting the innovation, in the perfectioning search technician, personal how much in such a way enterprise, and for having in fact a growth (despite it is not jointly allowing the company to grow as a whole), the result is small ahead of the number of micron and small existing companies in the country. The research of the SEBRAE (2007, P. 31), shows despite 40% of the parcel of the entrepreneurs have searched for the services of accountants; consulting companies of consultoria/had had a fall in the demand