European Latin

Summary the research will analyze the concernentes data to the process of settling of Latin America, based in the workmanships of Eduardo Galeano (the Open Veins of Latin America), Tzavetan Todorov (the Conquest of America: the question of the other) and Roman Ruggiero (the Mechanisms of the Colonial Conquest: the conquerors). For more information see Jon S. Speelman. Made this, the article also will launch to the horizon of critical some points of view of this trio of authors. Word-keys: conquest, settling and exploration. 500 YEARS OF SUBMISSION Eduardo Galeano, for being a journalist and not a historian, if does not worry in following a chronological line and weaves its commentaries in the formation of a bedspread of remnants, that is Latin America. In the introduction of its book ' ' The Open Veins of Latin America ' ' , Galeano affirms that ' ' The history of the subdesenvolvimento of Latin America integrates the history of the development of the capitalism mundial' ' , it wants to say, the European occidental countries, together with the United States, are what they are favours and exclusively the appropriation of the existing resources in the American Latin state-nations, had its fort and uninterrupted exploration.

' ' The development develops desigualdade' ' , Galeano. Eduardo will go to portray with a economicista look, as if he gave the meeting enters two cultural forms so you go off and with tenacious objectives, distant and arraigados. According to author, the Europeans had come to America thinking that they had fond of Asia for the route of the west (Columbus died, after its trips, still convinced this fact). The Europeans had disembarked in American lands in the precious metal search, as a way of payment for the commercial traffic, a time that also the entire Europe needed urgently silver, since the files of the Bohemian, Saxnia and Tirol, already were almost exaustos.

Winter Venice

Venice, known for its canals and for the Carnival of Venice, is a city that is visited throughout the year. Although the best period to visit this magnificent city is winter, avoiding crowds, to live the authentic Venetian atmosphere, find cheap flights to Venice and hotels. In Venice, the risk of high water (high tide) is frequent during autumn and winter, although not this not should prohibit visiting the town. Water not grows every day, and when it does, it lasts only a few hours, especially in the area of Piazza San Marco, the lowest point of Venice. So prepare your suitcase starting with a good Waterproof footwear and warm clothes and step into the fog that envelops the entire city.

Winter in Venice is cool, with icy winds coming from the sea, quiet streets, seen through the mist and hot chocolate! During the cold no perderse Venetian chocolate with whipped cream. Viziovirtu, situated in San Toma in Campaniel Street, 15 minutes walk from the Piazza San Marco, is one of the best chocolate of Venice, with a menu that includes delicious chocolates to Cup Classic or spices. As the winter days are short, better leave early in the morning to visit Venice and in the evenings enjoy its restaurants or a wine bar to taste excellent Italian wines in a romantic atmosphere. For more information see this site: Lindt Chocolates. If something has good travel in winter, we get travel for less. The hotels are cheaper and are low cost to Venice flights.

To the issue of accommodation, it is easy to find bed and breakfasts and luxury hotels in Venice. Notable among the hotels in Venice: Hotel Stella Alpina, Locanda Herion, Hotel Rio, Hotel Reiter and Hotel La Meridiana. Hotel Stella Alpina Venice is located near the main train station and the Grand Canal. This four-storey hotel is in a quiet area of the historic centre of Venice, just 5 minutes from the Venice Casino. The Locanda Herion is situated in the characteristic Cannaregio area, a few minutes from the station of trains Santa Lucia. The main feature of this hotel is the game of communicating terraces, which are transformed into tiny hanging gardens. The River hotel is in a lively area in the heart of Venice, near Saint Mark’s square and within walking distance of the stop San Zaccaria vaporetto (waterbus). Many of the rooms of the hotel were formerly occupied by composer Antonio Vivaldi. Reiter hotel enjoys an excellent location in Venice Lido, just 200 metres from the waterbus from Venice station Lido and 10 minutes from St. Mark’s square by vaporetto. Hotel La Meridiana is located in the heart of Venice Lido, just 100 metres from the beach and 500 metres from the Palace of the Venice Film Festival. This Venice hotel dates back to the 1930s and has recently been restructured. Photo by gianfrancopetrella.

European Cultures

Calendaring and chronicles from ancient times was reserved for priests and clerics. They followed the course of time, recording important events in the lives of its people. But the attitude at the time of different people at different time is perceived differently. We, Europeans, accustomed to the fact that time flows linearly, a certain sequence of moments that will never be repeated and is not reversible. Our calendars are often tear-off Sheets, who will never return to the place. These calendars are very symbolic – each of their list as the day, torn from a life that will never come back. Each of these torn from a calendar day is inevitable reduces the number of upcoming days of life, brings a European to his own death. But your attitude to the passage of time can not be taken for all cultures.

Ancient mythological cultures perceive time differently. For them calendar is not consistent, and cyclic. Day gives way to night, after the spring comes autumn, and then spring, nature at a time to die to be reborn again. For death comes rebirth, and death for him again, all regularly and consistently, but agree that this sequence and attitudes very different from the perception of the same phenomena in European culture. For the ethnic culture of death – not a tragedy, but only a transition from one state to another in order to return to the original. Such cycles prompted human nature, because nature is also "die" in the autumn to spring will be reborn. For such a culture of making the calendar meant fixation cycle, during which all returns to normal. " This is the calendar for a year and went to the European civilization, so even though we perceive the course of time as something irreversible, there is a certain cyclical: every year we celebrate the same holidays: New Year's Eve, Christmas Day, March 8, Thanks to the comparison of linear and cyclic flow of time, born model time as a spiral, which at every new turn passes through the same point, but somewhat differently.

Thomas Ender

The long and productive life of the Austrian painter Thomas Ender very represented for the description of the way and the population it Brazil final it of the decade of 1810. Been born in Vienna, Austria, in 1810, gained fame of travelling painter when in 1817 it was invited to participate of the Austrian Expedition to naturalistic Brazil for objectives to Brazil during the coming of the Arquiduquesa Leopoldina to initiate its life to the side of Don Peter. To the being indicated for its patron, Metternich Prince to act as painter in the cited trip, together with scientists determined for Emperor Franz Joseph, scaled for its ability and specialty, initiated in its life an important phase: of paisagista. Its workmanships represent natural aspects, social architectural and of Rio De Janeiro, whose development he was in progress since the transference of the joanina cut ten years before, hostage of reasons deriving politicians of the Napoleonic dominncia in the European territory. In about ten months of comments, Thomas Ender, still a young talentoso in the height of its twenty and four years of age, imbudo of shrewdness and subtility, almost created eight hundred watercolors that gave to the true day to day vision of the population of all chaste the social ones, of the slaves to the royalty, beyond recriar in extremely distinct watercolors, the dying and faustosa life of the Carioca citizens. In its return the preferred one of European noblemen became, participated of other European expeditions and was master in the Academy of Beautiful Arts of Vienna until its death, in 1875. Its works can be seen in the Akademie der Bildenden knst, where it also has catalogues with its workmanships and a publication south wind-Brazilian of 2004 writing for then the managing of the Institution, Dr. Robert Wagner, specialist in Thomas Ender.

Europe Decay

According to Maquiavel, in its workmanship the Prince: ‘ ‘ he defended that the monarch would have to use any way? allowed or not? to keep the control of its reino’ ‘ The phrase that summarizes its ideas is: ‘ ‘ The ends justify meios’ ‘ In against departure we have great controversies to this respect, that retrace to the thinkers Karl the Marx and Frederich Engels, who had formulated theories on the basis of the historical materialism (that is, that they have as approach the fight of classrooms) pointing that the power of the State serves basically to the interests of the classrooms that control the means of production. Inside of the marxist perspective, therefore, the power politician centered for the device of the State possesss bonds with the economy and the way as the men produce the ways of its survival.

However, Burns, in the sample inside of its workmanship the Age of the Absolutism, an analysis of the reinforcement of absolutism after 1500 would be: The support of new agencies of government; sustendo of the wars, therefore fortified the power of the state; the Protestant Revolution that endorses the real onipotncia. We see that the absolutism took root for bringing in its abilities the organization and unit the Europe. In its narration the author says of the decay of the monarchy absolutist in England; standing out to be only European country where the absolutism enters in decay before 1789 being the order reasons politics, economic and religious, inside of the studies of the author. With Pilett we go to retrocede in the time, before decay of the absolutism in England, thus to understand its reasons: The centralization of the power in England occurred with the coroamento of Enrique II that soon Heart of Lion (1189-1199) of the ten years of its government was succeeded by its Ricardo son, Ricardo absented of England per nine years, leading the third cruzade and fighting in the European continent.

UFCG Research

I come back to dream of new. He had that to travel all the nights of Picu to the Great Campina in a bus that broke day yes, day not. But, exactly thus he was valid to the penalty, because I was one more time in my universe. The academic universe. In my academic research I looked for to ahead analyze the positions of diverse didactic books of the problematic one of the environment related with the social matters. These research had provided to many reflections and a panoramic vision to me of the diverse initiatives in this area, with performance in the national scope. Many questions needed ahead to be answered of the noticed expansion of this possibility of joint between the social and real world and ' ' mundo' ' of didactic books. When it lacked one year to conclude the graduation in history I knew my current husband soon and engravidei again.

I faced plus a risk pregnancy. I passed six months of license, and at the beginning of 2003 I was glue degree. Finally a dream carried through between as much gone and comings of my life. After – graduation With the objective to give to pursuing my research and the necessity to carry through plus a dream, in the year of 2007 I concurred for a vacant in the mestrado course of in History in the UFCG of great campina, the line Culture and City and was approved. After paying the chairs of the course, it remained the dissertao. However, one more time, the destination would conspire against me: my person who orientates Fbio Gutemberg suffers an accident from automobile and came to falecer. Without person who orientates and also without much time to continue with the research, I finished postponing the dream to become me master in history. After two years without studying, return, one more time to the academy to attend a course a specialization in Education.

The Axle

Germany continued its scaling, with attacks and important conquests in the Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium, the forces anglian-Frenchmen did not obtain to contain the advances of the nazista armed. To contain the German attack that came for the north of France the allied forces they had been installed in the border Franc-Belgian, what they had not gotten the waited result, and the Germans had entered in the one in France without touching in the Maginot line. The advance of Germany, the English had been obliged to leave quickly. In 10 of June 1940, Mussolini enters in the war and makes with the Frenchmen fortifies the Italian border, disabling the protection of the country, that happened in day 14 of June with taking of Paris for the Germans. However, in day 22, France announces its surrender. England would be the next one to be conquered, and for such fact, Hitler moved its artillery weighed for the neighborhoods of the port of Is silent, of where the bombings the English coasts had started. In 11 of August, a great aerial attack caused damages the English cities and defenses.

Day 7 of the huge following month an offensive one was organized against London, the attacks had caused in great civil losses. With the support of the people and the bravery of the aviators of the RAF (Real Air Force) they had contained the domain of the canal, making with that the Germans did not cross, the combats and bombings had continued up to 1941, when the Fhrer gave up the invasion and its new taken over on a contract basis would be allied the Ussr, with the Barbarossa plan. Japan signed in 27 of September of 1941, the Treated Tripartite with the powers fascists. The Axle was formed, with the adhesion of Hungria, Eslovquia and Romnia, two months later.