Thomas Ender

The long and productive life of the Austrian painter Thomas Ender very represented for the description of the way and the population it Brazil final it of the decade of 1810. Been born in Vienna, Austria, in 1810, gained fame of travelling painter when in 1817 it was invited to participate of the Austrian Expedition to naturalistic Brazil for objectives to Brazil during the coming of the Arquiduquesa Leopoldina to initiate its life to the side of Don Peter. To the being indicated for its patron, Metternich Prince to act as painter in the cited trip, together with scientists determined for Emperor Franz Joseph, scaled for its ability and specialty, initiated in its life an important phase: of paisagista. Its workmanships represent natural aspects, social architectural and of Rio De Janeiro, whose development he was in progress since the transference of the joanina cut ten years before, hostage of reasons deriving politicians of the Napoleonic dominncia in the European territory. In about ten months of comments, Thomas Ender, still a young talentoso in the height of its twenty and four years of age, imbudo of shrewdness and subtility, almost created eight hundred watercolors that gave to the true day to day vision of the population of all chaste the social ones, of the slaves to the royalty, beyond recriar in extremely distinct watercolors, the dying and faustosa life of the Carioca citizens. In its return the preferred one of European noblemen became, participated of other European expeditions and was master in the Academy of Beautiful Arts of Vienna until its death, in 1875. Its works can be seen in the Akademie der Bildenden knst, where it also has catalogues with its workmanships and a publication south wind-Brazilian of 2004 writing for then the managing of the Institution, Dr. Robert Wagner, specialist in Thomas Ender.