Play Dice

question from the English blog: For a long time in physics continued controversy between Einstein and quantum physics: is everything in the pre-determined (determinism) or not (non-determinism). On the one hand performs experiment affects the results, on the other – in nature everything is predetermined, as is seen by Einstein in macrocosm. Einstein said that "God does not play dice with the universe," to which his friend, a supporter of quantum mechanics replied: "Do not tell God what he should do." While Einstein feels nature as God, in very Qabalistically, quantum mechanics tells us that the observed depends on the observer, also is in Qabalistically. Einstein never would agree that God plays dice with the universe, and he was able to construct a theory of gravity based on determinism, but he never created similar to what is around tiny electrons and protons, for electric fields. You may want to visit Michael Ellis MP to increase your knowledge. He was looking for a general unified theory of the four forces, but found that, as quantum physicists for its part is still not able to achieve this. My question is, what position Kabbalah is in this dispute, or the way it does not matter if you're guided by the higher powers? Answer: There are two systems of control over us, the general and private, and HVYH Elokim, and a person must combine them in yourself, having risen in their higher perception of time, space and movement. Then the contradictions coincide and complement each other. And before that there is no way to answer the question of whether the Creator to create a stone that will not be able to raise. .

The Love

When my husband changes you on the other – to do a powerful magical work that contains in itself as he turned from razluchnitsy and cleansing, protecting the relationship, a love spell. As previously mentioned in the article about a love a love spell, the person subjected to omens often behaves inappropriately, he completely fixate on bewitch and simply do not realize that afflicts one with whom he lived for many years, does not appreciate what has been achieved in cooperation, forgetting that the woman, which passed so many years, firstly a reliable friend, and has only then a sex object. And no ordinary opponent will not be able to quickly become just such a loyal friend. And to get rid of that strange effect The Love 'to open her husband's eyes' – quite acceptable conduct and a love spell on her husband's mother, who will be the main component of all magical work on family preservation. It is believed that the love spell is very dangerous and leads to the end of the relationship This does happen, especially when the ceremony is performed a love spell witchcraft-amateurs, or independently by people far removed from magic. However, an experienced magician owns the methods of "light" omens, that did not produce unpleasant consequences.

Such omens are developing natural feelings, help them to develop and protect. I call these rituals – "twisting channels. Stranding is very well suited for improving relations couples because they do not cause any zombie . As a rule of power impact is somewhat weaker than the hard omens, but its strength is quite sufficient for a strong result. In general, the husband was loving, and with you.

If we take the terminology of Christianity – this is the sinless love spell, unlike the classic love spell. Very fortunate are those families where relationships are strengthened through the power and understanding of the spouses themselves, but how many of these especially among young couples As practice shows – in our time, most families and civilian couples have obvious or hidden problems that they themselves are unable to solve. In this situation, the magical help in strengthening the family and the derivation of relations to a new level – the perfect solution. Hermine and Ilidor.


High "I" unadorned with a narrow loop. This may be a manifestation of pride, there is no sign of vanity. Such a man is proud of his home, or maybe family. Print "I". Person wishes to obtain approval for a job well done work, he has a creative character, developed ingenious. Signature Signature of person – a mirror of the soul of man, or an illusion to others? And yet.

It is often said that the signature crystallize all the strengths or weaknesses human nature. Is this true? Of course, pretty much the way that a person creates for others, expressed in his signature. To analyze the best use of a signature affixed to nerazlinovannoy paper. For years of life in man is produced, as a rule, several signatures: one of them – it is a natural signature, which is used in private correspondence, the second – for the sighting of business papers. In the case where a person uses only one type of signature, we can talk about the natural naturalness of its behavior. The slope of the signature that is different from the slope in the rest of the text shows the differences between the inner world of man and his appearance. Signature made with tilted, meaning that intelligence controls emotions. If a man writes a tilted, and the signature with a slope to the right, a man characterized by prudence, his head completely controls the his heart, but he is friendly and sensitive. If a small hand with simple letters we sign with big letters, then the person is trying to portray the existence of a broad nature, which he does not actually possess.